As an output of the Academy of Korean Studies (KSPS) Grant we are realizing full semester, block and one-time lectures at universities in the Czech Republic (Palacký University Olomouc, Masaryk University in Brno, Metropolitan university Prague), in region of Central and Eastern Europe (Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria), in significant workplaces of Western Europe (France) and also worlwide (Republic of Korea, Russia). In addition brand new courses have been established in our home workplace.
1. Lecture Yefrem Yefremov: Ethnic Koreans of Kazakhstan (CIS) Today, 4. 5. 2022, 17:30, nám. J. Palacha 2, room number 301
2. Lecture Agnieszka Smiatacz: Korean Society under the Park Chung Hee era - From traditional rural communities to modern urban dwellers, 27. 4. 2022, 15:50, nám. J. Palacha 2, room number 301
3. Lecture Vladimír Glomb: Munmyo Stories, 13. 4. 2022, 12:30, Celetná 20, room number 353
4. Lecture Markus Bell: Contemporary Migration in East Asia: New Migration Flows, New Challenges, 15. 4. 2019, 17:30, Celetná 20, room number 425
5. Lecture Hwang Munhwan: 조선 시대의 한글 편지, 언간 (한국학중앙연구원), 16 -18. 1. 2019, Celetná 20
6. Lecture Kyuchin Kim: My Early Education in Seodang at the Traditional Village “Museom”, 4. 5. 2018, 12:30, Celetná 20, room number 103
7. Lecture CedarBough T. Saeji: Beyond Farting and Picking Lice: Comedy and Satire in Korean Traditional Mask Dance Dramas, 3. 5. 2018 from 17:30,Jana Palach Square 2, room number 104
8. Lecture Ekaterina Pokholkova: Korean - Russian relations, 22. 3. 2018, 15:50, Celetná 20, room nunmber 103
9. Lectures Kim Inchon (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies): Chapters on Korean Phraseology, 1. 5. - 8. 5. 2017, Celetná 20, room number 425
10. Lectures William Strnad: History of North and South Korea, 1945-1972, 9. 5. - 12. 5. 2017, Celetná 20, room number 425
11. Lectures Beatrix Mecsi: Korean art, 25. 4. - 28. 4. 2017, Celetná 20, room number 425
12. James Bryant Lewis Silk-silver-ginseng trade. The lecture will be held in Šporkův palác in Hybernská street 24th April 2017 from 14:10, room number 303
13. Martina Deuchler Confucian ancestor worship. The lecture will be held in Šporkův palác in Hybernská street 19th April 2017 from 14:10, room number 303
14. Lectures 강병융 Korean Movies ― Talking about Korean Films and what they tell about Korea 한국 영화와 한국에 대한 몇 가지 진지한 잡담,
21. 11. - 25. 11. 2016, Institute of East Asian Studies
15. Dr. Kevina Cawleyho "Dangerous Women and Confucian Violence in the early Catholic Church in Korea", 23. 2. 2015 v 10:00, Celetná 20, room number 049
16. ASEAN Toward 2015: One Vision, One Identity, One Community
27. 4. 2014, 10:00 - 12:00, Celetná 20
17. 25 years after the fall of communism in the Czech Republic and its implications for the Korean Pneinsula
Zveme Vás na konferenci 25 years after the fall of communism in the Czech Republic and its implications for the Korean Pneinsula, která se uskuteční ve čtvrtek 13. listopadu 2014 na Vysoké škole Ekonomické od 10:00 do 12:30. Konference proběhne v anglickém jazyce a koná se pod záštitou velvyslanectví Korejské Republiky v České republice. Všichni jste srdečně zváni.
18. Thorsten Traulsen (RUB Bochum) "Tones in Middle Korean", 28. 11. 2013, 10:00 - 12:30, Jan Palach Square, room number 104
Označování čtyř tónů v korejštině 15.-16. století je jedním z nejzajímavějších jevů vývoje korejského jazyka. Skutečně v korejštině existovaly tóny, nebo se jednalo o pouhé aplikování modelu typologicky odlišné čínštiny? Všichni filologové, srovnávací lingvisté etc. se zájmem o Dálný východ jsou srdečně zváni.
19. Elena Kondratyeva: Flying Dragons and the Oldest Book in Korean, 25. 4. 2013 from 15:50, Celetná 20, room number 425C
20. Thorsten Traulsen: "Origins of Korean Script", 22. 4. 2013 from 15:50, Celetná 20, room number 137C