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KIM Young-Pyoung: Sociální integrace transformujících se režimů. Demokratizace v Koreji / Social integration of tranformating regimes. Democratization in Korea. (Přel. Zdeněk Masopust / Transl. by Zdeněk Masopust.) – Právník 137 (1998) 7, s. 622-637.
BLÁHA, Petr: Democratisation in the Globalisation Age (Comparing Geopolitical Aspects in East Asia and Central Europe). – In: Globalization and regionalism in East Central Europe and East Asia. Comparison. Collection of essays delivered at the conference titled ... held 18th of May 2004 in the Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague. (Editor Bořivoj Hnízdo.) Prague, Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University 2004, s. 17-29.
MUSÍLEK, Karel: Přechod k demokracii v Jižní Koreji. Teoretické uchopení s důrazem na roli masové mobilizace v procesu tranzice / The Transition to Democracy in South Korea – theoretical analysis with the emphasis on the role of the mass mobilization in the process of the transition. – Politologický časopis 15 (2008) 4, s. 338-358.