Filozofická Fakulta

In General

HORÁKOVÁ, Štěpánka: Stručná historie česko-korejských vztahů. Kančchurin Čchekcho-Hanguk kjorju jŏksa / A Brief History of Czech-Korean Relations. Nanumto + (2002) 1, s. 11-13.


BAŘINKA, Jaroslav: Tasks for the Study of Materials on the History of Czech-Korean

Relations.International Conference on Korean Historical Materials and the History of

Koreans in Europe (Bonn, 2004), s. 1-12.


주한 체코  공화국 대사관: 19C부터 20C 까지 체코 -한국 양국간의 교류역사. 한국과의 외교관계수립 20주년을 기념하여 / Čuhan Čchekcho koghwaguk täsagwan: 19C putchŏ 20C kkadži Čchekcho-Han’guk janggukkanŭi  kjorju jŏksa. Han’gukkwaŭi ögjo kwangje surip 20 čunjŏnŭl kinjŏmhajŏ = Embassy of the Czech Republic: Story of Czech-Korean Contacts from the 19h to the 21st century. On the occassion of the 20th anniversary of establishment of the diplomatic relations with The Republic of Korea. [Exhibition.] – In: 한.체코 수교 20 주년 기념 / Han-Čchekcho sugjo 20 čunjŏn kinjŏm = On the occassion of the 20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations. The Concert of Czech – Korean Friendship & Peace. Seoul, Koima 2010, s. [28-45], fotogr.


DRULÁK, Petr; KIM Bo-ram: We have many things to learn from each other. (Interview.) – The Korea Foundation Newsletter 19 (2010) 8.


올샤, jr. 야로슬라브 / OLŠA, jr. Jaroslav; 김 종영 / Kim Čong-jŏng: 항일 독립군의 무기를 생산한 ‘체코’ 최강의 MD 레이더까지 노린다! / Česká republika, která vyráběla zbraně protijaponských bojovníků za nezávislost, se zaměřuje dokonce až na nejmocnější MD! / The Czech Republic, that Produced Arms of Anti-Japanese Independence Fighters Is Now Focusing on Missile Defence! (Interview.) – D&D Focus – monthly magazine, March 2010, s. 022-025.


PUCEK, Vladimír: Česko-korejské vztahy trvají již 20 let / The Czech-Korean Relations Have Already Been Lasting for 20 Years. – HMMC (Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech) News 3 (2010) 24, s. 06-07, 1 fotogr., 2 il.


-zz-: Česko-korejská vzájemnost ve stínu Drnové střechy / The Czech-Korean Mutuality in the Shadow of the Grass Roof. – Mezinárodní politika 34 (2010) 6, s. 3, 1 il.

BOZDĚCHOVÁ, Ivana: O češtině a její výuce v Jižní Koreji / About the Czech language and its tuition in South Korea. – Český jazyk a literatura 61 (2010–2011), s. 241–245.


NEFF, ROBERT: Czech-American Max Taubles: Koreas first Western journalist.

10. 3. 2011, fotogr.


올샤, jr. 야로슬라브: 한국을 여행한 7명의 체코인 이야기. 2차 세계대전 이전 한국을 찾은 그들의 여행담과 한국에 대한 생각 / Han’gugŭl jŏhänghan 7 mjŏngŭi Čchekchoin ijagi. 2 čcha segjetädžŏn idžŏn Han’gugŭl čchadžŭn kŭdŭlŭi jŏhängdamkwa Han’guge tähan sänggak =  OLŠA, jr. Jaroslav: SEVEN CZECH TRAVELLERS IN KOREA: how they explored, viewed and described the country before World War II. – In: 강홍빈 – 올샤, jr. 야로슬라브, eds. = KANG Hong Bin – OLŠA, jr. Jaroslav: 1901년 체코인  브라즈의  서울 방문. 체코 여행가들의 서울 이야기 / 1901 njŏn čchechoin Pŭračŭŭi Sŏul pangmun. Čchekcho jŏhängkadŭrŭi Sŏul ijagi  = Soul roku 1901 objektivem E. St. Vráze a jak viděli Koreu další čeští cestovatelé = 1901 photographs of Seoul by Enrique Stanko Vráz and other early Czech travellers’s views of Korea.  서을 역사 박물관 / Sŏul jŏksa pakmulgwan = Seoul Museum of History – Velvyslanectví České republiky = 주한 체코 공화국 대사관 / Čuhan čchekcho konghwaguk täsagwan = Embassy of the Czech Republic 2011, s. 144-221, fotogr., faksim.



NEFF, Robert: Czech ambassador honors the past.

19. 3. 2012, fotogr.


MIN, Ines: Czech Ambassador’s Top 5 Paintings at Seoul Exhibition.

24. 2.  2013, fotogr. 


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