金學俊 / KIM Hak-čun / KIM Hak-jun: 동구의 한국 연구 / Tongguŭi han’guk jŏn’gu / Koreanistika ve východní Evropě / Korean studies in the Eastern Europe. – 정신문화연구 / Čŏngsin munhwa jŏn’gu 1984, 겨울 / kjŏul / winter, s. 162-163.
Echos d’un colloque. [Paris, le 15 et 16 Avril 1985 – V. Pucek: Les vestiges historiques de Myohangsan.] – Culture coréenne, Centre culturel coréen (Paris), (1985) 11, s. 32.
고송무 / Ko Song-mu: 체코슬로바키아 한국학의 아버지. 한흥수 (韓興洙 의 자취를 더듬어 보며 / Čchekchossŭllpakchia hangukhagŭi abŏdži. Han Hŭng-suŭi čačchürŭl tŏdŭmŏ pomjŏ / The Father of Korean Studies in Czechoslovakia. Tracing Han Hŭng-su. – 歐洲新聞 / The kuju shinmun 29. 11. 1986, s. 8, fotogr.
조선관계전문학자들의 국제과학토론회. [ 11.-14. 5. 1988] / Čosŏn kwangje čŏnmun hakčadŭrŭi kwahak tchoronhö. [Pchjŏngjang, 11.-14. 5. 1988] / Mezinárodní vědecké forum specialistů zabývajících se Koreou. [Pchjongjang, 11.-14. 5. 1988] / International scientific forum of specialists dealing with Korea. [Pyǒngyang, 11.-14. 5. 1988.]. – 로동 신문 / Nodong sinmun 12. 5. 1988.
고송무 / Ko Song-mu: 蘇 (소) 東歐 (동구)「韓國學 (한국학) 연구」활기 / So, tonggu ‘Han’gukhak jŏn’gu’ hwalgi / Rozvoj koreanistiky v Sovětském svazu a východní Evropě / Development of Korean stories in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. – 동아 일보 / Tong-a ilbo 6. 1. 1988, s. 7.
동구(東欧) 속의 한국학 연구현황 / Tonggusogŭi han’gukhak jŏngu hjŏnhwang / Současný stav koreanistiky ve východní Evropě / Current status of Korean studies in the Eastern Europe. – 歐洲新聞 / The kuju shinmun 10. 5. 1988, s. 1, 12.
김윤식/ KIM Jun-sik: 프라하의 이효석/ Pchrahaŭi I Hjo-sŏk / Pražský I Hjo-sŏk / Prague’s I Hyo-sǒk. [12 AKSE Conference, Leiden 1988.] – In: 김윤식 / KIM Jun-sik: 80 년대 우리 문학의 이해 / 80 njŏndä uri munhagŭi ihä / Porozumění naší literatuře z 80. let / Understanding of our literature from 80’s. 서울 대학교 출판사 / Sŏul tähakkjo čchulpchansa 1989, s. 200-206.
유럽학자들 한국 文學 세미나. 蘇. 체코등 동구권포함 6개국의 10명참가 / Jurŏp hakčadŭl han’guk munhak semina. So, Čchekcho tŭng tonggugwŏn pchoham 6 kägugŭi 10 mjŏng čchamga / Seminář evropských vědců o korejské literatuře. 10 účastníků ze 6 států včetně východního bloku, Sovětského svazu, Československa a jiných / Seminar of European researchers about Korean literature. 10 participiants from 6 countries including the Eastern Block, the Soviet Union, the Czechoslovakia and other countries. [파리 / Paříž / Paris 8.-11. 1990.] – 동아 일보 / Tong-a ilbo 8. 11. 1990, s. 13, fotogr.
金祐鎭은 표현주의劇 첫시도자. 체코 한국학 클로스로바 교수 논문지적. [파리, 한국문학 세미나 8.-11. 11. 1990] / Kim U-džinŭn pchjohjŏndžiŭigŭk čchŏs sidodža. Čchekcho han’gukhak Kchŭllosŭropa kjosu nonmun čidžŏk. [Pchari han’guk munhak semina 8.-11. 11. 1990] / Kim U-džin - první průkopník expresionistického divadla. O referátu české koreanistky Klöslové [Paříž, seminář o korejské literatuře 8.-11. 11. 1990] / Kim Ujin - the first pioneer of expressionist theater. Paper of Czech koreanist Klöslová. [Paris, seminar about Korean literature.]. – 동아 일보 / Tong-a ilbo 12. 11. 1990, s. 8.
한국 統一과 文學 의 역할. 국제세미나 獨서 개막 / Han’guk tchongilkwa munhagŭi jŏkhal. Kukče semina Toksŏ kämak / Sjednocení Koreje a úloha literatury. Zahájení mezinárodního semináře v Německu / Unification of Korea and the role of literature. Opening of an international seminar in Germany. – 동아 일보 / Tong-a ilbo 25. 6. 1991.
KIM Kyuchin: Echoes of Czech Literature in Korea and Korean Studies in Czechoslovakia. – In: CHEONG Byun Kwon, ed.: Korea and East Europe in 1990’s. Seoul, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies 1991, s. 85-97.
SETTON, Mark: The 15th Annual Conference of the Association for Korean Studies in Europe (AKSE). – Korea Journal 31 (1991) 2, s. 138-141.
박근해 / PAK Kŭn-hä: 신파극 탈피 근대연극 문연 희곡작가 [김우진. 파리 한국 문학 세미나, 8.- 11. 11. 1990 / Sinpchagŭk tchalpchi kŭndä jŏn’gŭk munjŏn hŭigok čakka [Kim U-džin. Pchari han’guk munhak semina 8.-11. 11. 1990. ] / Dramatik moderního divadla, který se vymanil z konvencí Divadla nové školy [Kim U-džin. Paříž, seminář o korejské literatuře 8.-11. 11. 1990 / – Dramatist of modern theater who broke from conventions of New School Theatre. [Kim U-jin. Paris, seminar about Korean literature.]. 한겨레 신문 / Han’gjŏre sinmu 8. 3. 1991, s. 7.
최윈식 / Čchö Wŏn-sik: [즈뎅까 끌뢰슬로바 / Zdenka Klöslová.] – 민족문학사연수 / Minčok munhaksa jŏn’gu (1993) 4, s. 154.
ORANGE, Marc: Traduction et diffusion des œvres littéraires coréennes en Europe.Compte rendu du collogue parisien (novembre 94). – Culture coréenne, Centre culturel coréen (Paris), (1995) 39 , s. 25-28, fotogr.
PROVINE, Robert C.: 1995 AKSE Conference in Praha. – In: AKSE NEWSLETTER 1995, Sheffield, No. 19, s. 4.
[Fotografie vědců ze dne 17. 9. 1999, kteří obdrželi vědeckou cenu nadace Tongsung - V. Pucek, L. R. Koncevič, Umeda / Photographs of scientists who received the scientific prize of foundation Tongsung - V. Pucek, L. R. Koncevič, Umeda.]. -
KYE J˘¨ong-meen [sic!] (KJE Čŏng-min / 계정민 / Kye Chŏng-min): The Korean Literary Scene. [The International Symposium on Korean Literature, Seoul, August 5, 1999, hosted by the Korean P.E.N.
이은구 / I Ŭn-gu / LEE Eun-Ku: 동유럽 지역에 대한 해외홍보정책 활성화 방안연구 / Tongjurŏp čijŏge tähan häö hongbo čŏngčchäk hwalsŏnghwa pang’an jŏn’gu / Studie o programu vitalizace zahraniční propagační činnosti ve východní Evropě / A study of programme on the revitalization of foreign promotional activities in Eastern Europe, s. 382-303. – Abstract: LEE Eun-Ku: The Study on the Encouraging Ways of Overseas Publicity Activities in Eastern Europe, s. 304
곽효관 / KWAK Hjo-gwan / KWAK Hyo-gwan: 한국문학 해외 소개 현황 / Han’guk munhak häö sogä hjŏnhwang / Současný stav překládání korejské literatury v zahraničí / Current status of foreign translations of Korean literature. – webzine 대산문화 / webzine täsan munhwa 2003, 여름 / jŏrŭm / summer.
한국외국어대학교 체코슬로바키아어과 / Han’guk ögugŏ tähakkjo čchekchosŭllopakchia ŏgwa / Department of Czech and Slovak Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.
출처는 / source: http://www.hufs.ac.kr/y_omd/yon010101_f17.jsp
오세영 / O Se-jŏng / O Se-yŏng: 동유럽에 있어서 한국문학 수용과 한국문학교육: 체코 공화국을 중심으로 / Tongjurŏpe issŏsŏ han’guk munhak sujonggwa han’guk munhak kjojuk: Čchekcho konghwakugŭl čungsimŭro = Korean Modern Literature and It’s Education in Eastern Europe – In the Case of Czech Republic. – 문학교육학 / Munhak kjojukhak Vol. 13 No.- [2004], s. 257-350.
Abstrakt na adrese / Abstract on website:
송순섭 / SONG Sun-sŏp: 체코어로 소개된 한국문학의 현황 연구 / Čchekchoŏro sogätön han’guk munhagŭi hjŏnhwang jŏn’gu / Studie současného stavu korejské literatury přeložené do češtiny / Study on the current situation of Korean literature translated to Czech language. – In: 한국문학의 해외 수용과 연구 현황 / Han’guk munhagŭi häö sujonggwa jŏn’gu hjŏnhwang / Recepce - ohlas korejské literatury v zahraničí a studie současného stavu / Reception - Responses of Korean literature abroad and study on the current state. 유럽사회문화연구소 편 | 연세대학교출판부 / Jurŏpsahömunhwa jon’guso pchjŏn 2005, s. 231-256. – Abstract: Song Soon-seop: A study on the Korean literature translated in the Czech Republic, s. 263-264.
김일주 / KIM Il-džu / KIM Il-ju: ‘제1회 세계번역가대회’가 9월13~14일 서울 양재동 교육문화회관에서 열린다 / ‘Če 1 čcha segje pŏnjŏkka tähö’ga 9 wŏl 13-14 il Sŏul Jangčädong kjojuk munhwa högwanesŏ jŏllinda / 13.-14. 9. se v Centru pro vzdělávání a kulturu ve čtvrti Jangčä-dong v Soulu koná 1. světová konference překladatelů / First conference of translators is held on 13.-14. 9. at the Center for Education and Culture in the district Yangjae in Sǒul.
6. 7. 2007.
SCHIRMER, Andreas: The pioneering generation of Korean students in Central Europe. Three examples and suggestions for further research.
[체코 한국학 / Čchekcho han’gukhak / Koreanistika v České republice / Korean Studies in the Czech republic.] – In: 해외한국학현황 및 중장기 발전방안 연구 / Häö han’gukhak hjŏnhwang mit čungčanggi palčŏn pang’an jŏn’gu / Současný stav koreanistiky v zahraničí a analýza střednědobého a dlouhodobého programu rozvoje / Current status of Korean studies abroad and analysis of medium and long term development program. 교육 과학 기술부 / Kjojuk kwahak kisulbu 2009, s. 32, 79, 80, 82, 155, 170, 185.
유럽한국학회 (AKSE) 참석 및 체코 카렐대학 한국학과 방문 / Jurŏp han’guk hakhö (AKSE) čchamsŏk mit čchekcho Kcharel tähak han’gukhakkwa pangmun / Účast na konferenci Asociace korejských studií v Evropě (AKSE) a návštěva oboru koreanistiky na Karlově univerzitě / Attendance at the conference of the Association of Korean studies in Europe (AKSE) and visit of Korean studies at Charles University.
30. 6. 2009.
CERRALBO, Yoav: Korea examined in Czech journal. – The Korea Herald 25. 7. 2010.
체코 프라하 찰스대학에서 협약체결 장면 [김정배] / Čchekcho Pchrahaŭi Čchalsŭ tähagesŏ hjŏpjak čchegjŏl čangmjŏn [Kim Čŏng-bä] / Uzavření smlouvy na Karlově univerzitě v Praze, Česká republika [Kim Čŏng-bä] / Conclusion of the contract at Charles University in Prague, the Czech Republic.
5. 9. 2010, fotogr.
The situation of Korean studies in the Czech Republic. Charles University in Prague. Palacký University. Oriental Institute. Czech-Korean Society. – In: Korean studies abroad: profiles of countries and region. [Seoul], Academy of Korean Studies Press 2010, s. 321-324, 1325-1334.
IGLAUER, Philip: Ambassador launches Czech translation of Ko Un’s book. – The Korea Times 11. 11. 2011, fotogr.
KIM Hee-jin: Poet fetes love of Prague in bilingual compilation [Kŭ gŏsŭn / To je by Ko Ŭn]. – Korea JoongAng Daily 15. 11. 2011, fotogr.
KIM Young-jin: Czech-Korean ties share tumultuous past. – The Korea Times 26. 12. 2010, fotogr.
565돌 한글날 경축행사 9일 세종문화회관서 열린다 / 565 tol han’gŭlnal kjŏngčchuk hängsa 9 il Sedžong munhwahögwansŏ jŏllinda / 9. [října 2011] začínají v Sedžongově kulturním centru oslavy Dne korejského písma k 565. výročí / 9th [of October 2011] begins celebrations of the 565th anniversary of Korean script at Sejong cultural center.
7. 10. 2011.
KIM Yoon-mi: Culture Ministry to honor contributors to Korean writing [V. Pucek]. – The Korea Herald 30. 9. 2011, fotogr.
구운몽의 외국어 번역 사례 소개 / Kuunmongŭi ögugŏ pŏnjŏk sarje sogä / Překlad Snu devíti z oblaků (Kuunmong) do cizích jazyků / Translation of Nine cloud dream to foreign languages.
3. 2. 2012.
뢰벤스타이노바, 미리암 / LÖWENSTEINOVÁ, Miriam: 삼국유사와 '사랑'에 빠진 푸른눈의 체코 학자 / Samguk jusawa ‘sarang’e ppadžin pchurŭn nunŭi čchekcho hakča / Zelenooká česká badatelka zamilovaná do Samguk jusa / Green eyed Czech scientist, who falled in love with Samguk yusa. (Interview, fotogr.)
25. 9. 2012.
뢰벤스타이노바, 미리암; 정아람 / LÖWENSTEINOVÁ, Miriam; ČŎNG A-ram / CHŎNG A-ram: 삼국유사愛 빠진 푸른 눈의 체코학자 / Samguk jusaä ppadžin pchurŭn nunŭi čchekcho hakča / Zelenooká česká badatelka zamilovaná do Samguk jusa / Green eyed Czech scientist, who falled in love with Samguk yusa. – 세계일보 / Segje ilbo 25. 9. 2012, fotogr.
PRAGUE – complete Czech translation of Samguk Yusa published.
27. 9. 2012
DO Je-hae: Milestone in Czech Korean studies. "Samguk Yusa," a collection of Korean legends, folktales and historical accounts relating to the Three Kingdoms, was translated into Czech. – The Korea Times 12. 10. 2012.
CHOE Chong-dae: Han Heung-su, an unsung pioneer.
24. 7. 2013.
IGLAUER, Philip: Envoy [J. Olša, jr.]: Academic is ‘unsung hero’ of Korean studies in Europe. [Lecture about Han Hung-su.] – The Korea Herald 23. 6. 2013, fotogr.
23. 6. 2013.