Miriam Löwensteinová: Korean Intellectuals In Between: Configuring knowledge in periods of transition, Bochum, 20 – 21 June 2019, paper title: Nationalism and Internationalism, Modernity and Tradition: Han Hŭngsu´s presentation of Korea
Tomáš Horák: Mezinárodní sympozium: Jedna cesta – tři jazyky [International Symposium: One Way - Three Languages], Prague, 26 – 27 April 2019, paper title: Problematika osvojení korejštiny v rámci oborové výuky koreanistiky se zaměřením na morfologicko-syntaktické rysy korejského lexika [Problems of learning Korean in the field of teaching Korean studies with a focus on the morphological-syntactic features of Korean Lexics]
Marek Zemánek: AKSE 2019 Roma, 11-14 April 2019, paper title: Milk on the Altar: Abortion in Buddhist Rituals of 21st Century Korea
Karolína Šamánková: Worldwide consortium in Berlin, August 18-21,2019, paper title: Nationalization of Korean History
Karolína Šamánková: PBBP - Workshop (Paris, Bochum, Berlin and Prague), Free University of Berlin, 15 - 16 March 2019, paper title: The publication system of Korean history textbooks
Karolína Šamánková: The 4th International Conference of Young Koreanists, Prague, 8 March 2019, paper title: History Education and Textbook Compilation
Markéta Popa: The 4th International Conference of Young Koreanists, Prague, 8 March 2019, paper title: Yŏn Kaesomun and Kang Cho: Parallels of Rebelliousness
Lukáš Kubík:The 4th International Conference of Young Koreanists, Prague, 8 March 2019, paper title: The System of Five Punishments and its Application during the Chosŏn Period
Lukáš Kubík: Orientalia Antiqua Nova XIX in Pilsen, 25 - 26 April 2019, paper title: Law and Order of the kingdom of Chosŏn: Criminal Law and the System of Five
Lukáš Kubík: PBBP - Workshop (Paris, Bochum, Berlin and Prague), Free University of Berlin, 15 - 16 March 2019, paper title: Waegu raids during the early Joseon era (14th - 17th century): Statesecurity, foreign policy
Lukáš Kubík: Orientalist student konference in Prague, 8 February 2019, paper title: Wägu Raids during the Chosŏn era (14. – 17. century): State Security, Foreign Policy and Socio-economical Impacts
Löwensteinová, Miriam: Poetry and Theology, 20 – 21 September 2018, paper title: Ch´angsega, the Song of the Creation of the World
Miriam Löwensteinová: Pre-modern Korean Studies in Europe 2018, Bucharest, 28 - 29 May 2018, paper title: Kim Siseup Conference and Monograph
Markéta Popa: PBBP - Workshop (Paris, Bochum, Berlin and Prague), Free University of Berlin, 20 - 21 April 2018, paper title: Omens and "folk religions" in the Koryŏsa bibliographies of treacherous subjects
Karolína Šamánková: PBBP - Workshop (Paris, Bochum, Berlin and Prague), Free University of Berlin, 20 - 21 April 2018, paper title: Tonghak Peasant Movement in South Korean high school history textbooksand its ideologization during 20th century
Miriam Löwensteinová: Scholar, Monk and Literate: Kim Sisŭp and Frontiers of Korean Culture, Charles University, Prague, 9 - 10 February 2018, paper title: Kim Sisŭp’s Kŭmo sinhwa within the context of mongyurok genre
Miriam Löwensteinová: International Conference on the English Translation of Korean Classics - 한국고전 영문 번역 국제학술회의, Seoul 한국학중앙연구원, 8 December 2017, paper title: Translation as a Refiguration. Samguk Yusa Chronicle
Tomáš Horák: 3rd International Korean Studies Forum: Achievements and Prospects of Korean Studies in the East and West, Keimyung University, 23 - 25 November 2017, paper title: Development and Prospects of Korean Studies in Czech Republic 체코 한국학 발전, 현황 및 전망
Miriam Löwensteinová: 120 ЛЕТ КОРЕЕВЕДЕНИЯ И РОССИЙСКО-КОРЕЙСКИЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ В СПБГУ, Saint Petersburg State University, 12 -14 October, paper title: Miriam Löwensteinová, Blanka Kašparová: 1896 Russia through diaries of Min Yŏnghwan and Yun Ch´iho
Markéta Popa: Korean Studies Graduate Students Convention, University of Tübingen, 11 - 14 October 2017, paper title: Folk religions and their functions in the Koryŏsa bibliographies
Vladislava Mazaná: 16th International Conference CEESOK "The comparative approach and prospects on education of local and Korean culture (& literature) in Central and East Europe", University of Latvia, 29 - 30 September 2017, paper title: Development of corpus-based study materials on Korean suffixes describing human beings
Miriam Löwensteinová: AKS CUP - Directors´ Meeting, University of Tübingen, 8 - 11 August 2017, paper title: Beauty of Korean Tradition from Interdisciplinary Perspective
Miriam Löwensteinová: Pre-Modern Korean Studies in Europe: Results, Projects, and Prospects, Paris, 20 - 22 January 2016, paper title: Translation of the Samguk yusa in Czech
Miriam Löwensteinová: Global Korean Studies, University of Turku, Finland, 25 - 26 February 2016, paper title: CORE Project Performance in Prague. Tasks and Results
Miriam Löwensteinová: Workshop Cesta, cesty, putování, Karlova Univerzita v Praze, 24 June 2016, paper title: Útrapami cesty k plnění služby
Miriam Löwensteinová: 8th World Congress for Korean Studies: Korean Culture, Seeking Insights for the Future, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 6 October 2016, paper title: Globalized Space and its Peculiarity 새벽의 나나와 우주피스 공화국
Miriam Löwensteinová: 15th International Conference CEESOK “New Trends in Korean Studies”, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, 21 October 2016, paper title: Globalization of Korean Novel: how to evaluate these trends? The case of Saebyeogeui Nana
Vladimír Glomb: Pre-Modern Korean Studies in Europe: Results, Projects, and Prospects, Paris, 20 - 22 January 2016, paper title: Presentation of collective textbook project Introduction to Classical Korean
Vladimír Glomb: Switching Codes in Korean Culture, Ruhr University Bochum, 17 - 18 June 2016, paper title: Language and Ideology in the DPRK History of Korean Confucianism
Tomáš Horák: 6th Workshop of the European Association for Korean Language Education (제6회 유럽한국어교육자협회 워크숍), University of Copenhagen, 14 – 15 April 2016
Tomáš Horák: The 26th International Conference on Korean Language Education (IAKLE), Dongguk University, 6 - 7 August 2016, paper title: 내용을 중심으로 한 교육과 능력을 중심으로 한 교육의 통합- 학구적 목표를 달성하기 위한 읽기 교육
Marek Zemánek: Pre-Modern Korean Studies in Europe: Results, Projects, and Prospects, Paris, 20 - 22 January 2016, paper title: Translation of the Samguk yusa in Czech
Marek Zemánek: Switching Codes in Korean Culture, Ruhr University Bochum, 17 - 18 June 2016, paper title: Code Switching in Buddhist Rituals of Death
Marek Zemánek: Workshop Cesta, cesty, putování, Karlova Univerzita v Praze, 24 June 2016, paper title: Poslední cesty v korejském buddhismu
Marek Zemánek: 8th World Congress for Korean Studies: Korean Culture, Seeking Insights for the Future, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 6 October 2016, paper title: Modernization, Change and Bricolage in Buddhist Rites
Marek Zemánek: 15th International Conference CEESOK “New Trends in Korean Studies”, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, 21 October 2016, paper title: Field and Armchair: Some Remarks on Study of Rituals in Korea
Markéta Vojtíšková: Joint Doctoral Colloquium, Korean Studies at Paris-Bochum-Berlin-Prague, Ruhr - Universität Bochum, 21 October 2016, paper title: Koryŏ Biographies
Vladislava Mazaná: Joint Doctoral Colloquium, Korean Studies at Paris-Bochum-Berlin-Prague, Ruhr - Universität Bochum, 22 October 2016, paper title: Relics of Middle Korean in Cheju dialects
Vladislava Mazaná: Viennese Korean Studies Days, 2 December 2016, paper title: Recent Development and Future Prospects of Korean Studies in the Czech Republic
Miriam Löwensteinová: Exploring the New Trends in Socio-cultural changes in Korean and Russian Societies, Sankt-Petersbourgh State University, April 9 - 10, 2015, paper title: Pak Chŏng-hŭi´s era as a background of Yi Sŭng-u´s Saengŭi imyŏn
Miriam Löwensteinová: Korean Literature within Korean Studies, University of Vienna, 13 June 2015, paper title: Telling the history through novel. Yi Munyŏl´s Siin.
Miriam Löwensteinová: Conference on Korean Studies, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work - University of Bucharest, September 2015, paper title: Two different views on Russia: Yun Ch´iho and Min Yonghwan´s Diares
Kašparová Blanka: Conference on Korean Studies, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work - University of Bucharest, September 2015, paper title: Two different views on Russia: Yun Ch´iho and Min Yonghwan´s Diares
Vladimír Glomb: Divination and the Strange in Pre- and Early Modern East Asia and Europe, IKGF, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, October 2015, paper title: Laughing Literati and Fortune-Telling Confucians: Stories about Prognostication in Ŏu yadam
Vladimír Glomb: Books as Material and Symbolic Artifacts in Religious Book Cultures, Käte-Hamburger-Kolleg, Ruhr University Bochum, May 28 - 29, 2015, paper title: Sagehood for Young Boys: Confucian Primers in Traditional Korea
Vladimír Glomb: 27th Biennial AKSE Conference, Bochum, July 10 - 13, 2015, paper title: Courses for Advanced Students: Confucian Education and Daoist Texts
Marek Zemánek: Prague Symposium on Buddhist Rites of Death, Charles University in Prague, The Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, 15 July, paper title: Practice of Buddhist Rites of Death in Contemporary Korea
Marek Zemánek: 27th Biennial AKSE Conference, Bochum, July 10 - 13, 2015, paper title: Thanatology and Soteriology in Samguk Yusa
Marek Zemánek: 14th Central and East European Society of Koreanology International Conference in Moscow (CEESOK-2015), October 29 - 30, 2015, paper title: Buddhist Ceremonies of Death in Contemporary Korea
Marek Zemánek: Oslo Buddhist Studies Forum, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, Oslo University. October 5 - 10, 2015, paper title: Rites of Death in Korean Buddhism
Jana Hajzlerová: New trends in Oriental studies, Charles University in Prague, 24 April 2015, paper title: Ideologie a vyprávěné světy: zpravodajská média jako nástroj propagandy v Severní Koreji
Markéta Vojtíšková: Workshop of Young Koreanists, Charles University in Prague, 27 March 2015, paper title: Co Mongolové dali a vzali Korju
Blanka Kašparová: Workshop of Young Koreanists, Charles University in Prague, 27 March 2015, paper title: Jun Čchi-ho, druhý muž Klubu nezávislosti
Tereza Boukalová: Workshop of Young Koreanists, Charles University in Prague, 27 March 2015, paper title: Formování nového ideálu ženství v Koreji
Lucie Melounová: Workshop of Young Koreanists, Charles University in Prague, 27 March 2015, paper title: Edukační programy Národního muzea Koreje
Jana Pospíšilová: Workshop of Young Koreanists, Charles University in Prague, 27 March 2015, paper title: Vývoj moderního pohřbívání v Korejské republice
Kateřina Mudruňková: Workshop of Young Koreanists, Charles University in Prague, 27 March 2015, paper title: Právo na krásu: Zkoumání legitimizace plastických operací v Korejské republice
Mona Burkušová: Workshop of Young Koreanists, Charles University in Prague, 27 March 2015, paper title: Sviatok lampionov v období Korjŏ
Nikol Pražáková: Workshop of Young Koreanists, Charles University in Prague, 27 March 2015, paper title: Jun Hŭng-gilova tvorba na pozadí změn v Koreji sedmdesátých let a charakter jeho postav z vesnického prostředí
Miriam Löwensteinová: The 7th World Conference of Korean Studies, Havaii, Honolulu, November 5 – 8, 2014, paper title: P´aesŏl: On the Way to Fiction?
Miriam Löwensteinová: Central European Symposium on Korean Studies, Bratislava/Wien, May 11 - 18, 2014, paper title: Samguk Yusa and P´aesŏl: How to Read Them?
Vladimír Glomb: Chosŏn yuhakŭi chagihwawa kŭnghyŏndaejŏk pyŏnsin (Rethinking Korean Confucianism: Adaptation under the Joseon Dynasty and Reaction to Modernization), Seoul National University, November 2014, paper title: Yulgok Yi Irŭl paraponŭn Pukhanŭi sigake taehanmyŏtkkaji yebijŏk koch'al: Some Preliminary Notes on the North Korean Views on Yulgok Yi I
Vladimír Glomb: Circulation of Knowledge and the Dynamics of Transformation, Freie Universität Berlin, 28 February – 1 March 2014
Vladimír Glomb: International conference on Korean philosophy, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Department of Korean Studies, June 26 - 28, 2014, paper title: Discourse on qi in the late Chosŏn sŏngnihak: the case of Im Sŏngju (1711~1788)
Vladimír Glomb: Adaptation under the Chosŏn Dynasty and Reaction to the Modernization, Sŏul taehakkyo, Soul, November 21 - 22, 2014, paper title: North Korean Views on Yulgok
Tomáš Horák: Viennese Korean Studies Days 2014, Koreanologie am Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften der Univ. Wien, 11 December 2014, paper title: The problem of functional sentence perspective in the translation process
Tomáš Horák: EAKLE 2014, Universita Ca'Foscari, Venezia, April 2 - 5, 2014, paper titile: 한국어 교육 내 통/번역 교육의 위치 및 방법
Štěpánka Horáková: EAKLE 2014, Universita Ca'Foscari, Venezia, April 2 - 5, 2014, paper title: 장애학생의 한국어 학습 방법과 장애학생을 위한 튿별한특별한 지도 방법
Vladislava Mazaná: Winning Central Europe: Spread and Reception of the Korean Wave in the Czech Republic and the Adjacent Countries, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Department of Korean Studies, November 28 – 29, 2014, paper title: On the Spread and Perception of the Korean Popular Culture in the Czech Republic in Comparison with Japanese Popular Culture
Marek Zemánek: Tübingen Korean Studies Lectures, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 23 April 2014, paper title: Korean Buddhist Rituals of Death
Marek Zemánek: Central European Symposium on Korean Studies, Bratislava/Wien, May 11 -18, 2014, paper title: Death in Korean Buddhism: Texts and Practice
Marek Zemánek: Communities of Memory: Reimagining and Reinventing the Past in East Asian Buddhism. East Asian Buddhism Symposium, Universität Hamburg, May 22 - 25, 2014, paper title: Samguk Yusa and the Buddhisation of Korea: Refiguration of the Religious Landscape
Marek Zemánek: Trends and Prospects of Korean Studies in Eastern Europe (동유럽의 한국학 동향과 전망), 세계속의 한국학: 동망과 전망, 28 August, 2014
Marek Zemánek: 7th World Conference of Korean Studies, Hawaii, Honolulu, November 5 – 8, 2014, paper title: Buddhist Funeral Rites among Lay Buddhists (awarded Junior Scholar Paper Prize: 2nd Place)
Marek Zemánek: New trends in Oriental studies, Charles University in Prague, 28 November 2014, paper title: Buddhistické posmrtné rituály
Jana Hajzlerová: 10th Worldwide Consortium of Korean Studies, Korea Institute, Harvard University, June 7 - 9, 2014, paper title: Respecting North Korean Media: A Quest for Method
Jana Hajzlerová: Winning Central Europe: Spread and Reception of the Korean Wave in the Czech Republic and the Adjacent Countries, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Department of Korean Studies, November 28 – 29, 2014, paper title: Korea in the Czech Republic: Legacies of the Past. Prospect for the Future
Eva Zvěřinová: Winning Central Europe: Spread and Reception of the Korean Wave in the Czech Republic and the Adjacent Countries, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Department of Korean Studies, November 28 – 29, 2014, paper title: Sachal Eumshik: Integrating Buddhist Ritual Food into Hallyu
Vladimír Glomb: Integration Processes in the Circulation of Knowledge: Cases from Korea and Beyond, RUB Bochum, June 2013, paper title: What to do with diagrams: circulating pictures in 16th century Korea
Vladimír Glomb: Constructing and Interpreting the Daotong (Transmission of the Way) in the Perspective of Chinese and Korea Neo-Confucianism, paper title: The Negative Daotong
Vladimír Glomb: 26th Biennial AKSE Conference, Vienna University, July 2013, paper title: Dark Side of Yulgok
Vladimír Glomb: Mýtus, historie, fikce (Myth, History, Fiction). Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, 9 December 2013, paper title: Čtení historie jako součást kultivace
Marek Zemánek: 26th Biennial AKSE Conference, Vienna University, July 2013, paper title: The Perfect Passage: Korean Buddhist Funeral Rites
Marek Zemánek: The 14th Colloquium of the Institute for International Korean Studies, Academy of Korean Studies, Bundang, 9 September 2013, paper title: Symbolic Strategies of the Samguk Yusa: Space, Time and Landscape
Marek Zemánek: Mýtus, historie, fikce (Myth, History, Fiction), Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, 9 December 2013, paper title: Symbolická eliminace časoprostorové separace v kronice Samguk jusa
Miriam Löwensteinová: 26th Biennial AKSE Conference, Vienna University, July 2013, paper title: Ko Ŭn´s Maninbo: between subjectivism and objectivism
Miriam Löwensteinová: Mýtus, historie, fikce (Myth, History, Fiction), Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, 9 December 2013, paper title: Žánr pchäsŏl. Na cestě k fikci
Tomáš Horák: Myth, History, Fiction, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, 9 December 2013, paper title: Problém identity korejského zenu - Songčcholova kritika neortodoxní tradice
Vladislava Mazaná:. NAJAKS 2013, Bergen, 23 August 2013, paper title: A creative and innovative approach to Korean communication language: Morphological features and word-formation processes
Vladislava Mazaná: The 10th Korean Studies Graduate Students Convention, Helsinki, July 15 –18, 2013, paper title: A creative approach to the Korean communication language: Features of discourse and honorific system
Miriam Löwensteinová: AKS conference, September 2012, paper title: Biographies of the underpriviledged in Samguk sagi chronicle
Marek Zemánek: Seoul National University 2012 SNU, HU, UBC Graduate Workshop, May 2012, paper title: Korean Buddhist Rituals of Death
Marek Zemánek: International Conference “115-year Anniversary since the beginning of Korean language teaching at the Saint-Petersburg State University” Sankt Peterburg, Russia, November 2012, paper title: Geography of the Sacred: The Role of Mountains in Samguk Yusa
Vladimír Glomb: AKS conference, September 2012, paper title: 異端으로 보는 栗谷
Vladimír Glomb: EHESS, Center for Korean Studies, Paris, 20 January 2012, paper title: When the Way is not practiced: Confucian views on Korean history
Vladimír Glomb: Orientalia Antiqua Nova, University of Western Bohemia, March 22 - 23, 2012, paper title: Interpretation of Korean History: the case of 童蒙先習
Zdenka Klöslová: conference organized by Korean Studies at the University of Vienna (January 30 - 31, 2012) and funded by the Korea Foundation: "Koreans and citizens of the Habsburg-monarchy or its successor-states Early individual encounters until 1950": three papers were presented:
“Various notes on early Czech-Korean contacts”
“A drop in a sea. Koreans in the Russian Maritime Territory through the eyes of the Czechoslovak Legionaries (1918-1920)”
“On Han Hung-Soo’s last years in Czechoslovakia”
Vladimír Glomb: Orientalia Antiqua Nova, University of West Bohemia, 11 March 2011, paper title: Abolitionism of Eastern Country: Arguments against Slavery in Korea
Vladimír Glomb: Between dialogue, polemic and apologetic: modes of interreligious contact in pre modern Korea seen in the regional context of Far East Asia, Ruhr-University Bochum, 15 April 2011, paper title: Who is an Orthodox Confucian? Discussion on the Early Orthodox Confucian Lineage in Chosŏn Period
Vladimír Glomb: 25th Biennial AKSE Conference, Moscow State University, June 17 - 20, 2011, paper title: Reading Classics till Death: The curriculum of Chosŏn literati
Vladimír Glomb: Koreastudien im deutschsprachigen Raum, Ruhr-University Bochum, November 4 - 5, 2011, paper title: Zur allgemeinen Theorie der kwisin: von Hwadam bis Nongmun
Miriam Löwensteinová: Interpreting and Translation Research Institue (ITRI) Conference, HUFS, 30 April 2011, paper title: Translation as a Creative Process
Miriam Löwensteinová: 25th Biennial AKSE Conference, Moscow State University, June 17 - 20, 2011, paper title: Reading Kim Sakkat Poetry
Miriam Löwensteinová: Vienna, East Asian Network, University of Vienna, September 2011, paper title: Methodology of EA Studies
Miriam Löwensteinová: 5th Conference of Cultural and Social Antropology in East Asia, November 2011, paper title: Ačkoliv nízkého původu
Miriam Löwensteinová: KF Assembly, July 2011, Korea, discussant of the panel 2, contribution: „Sharing curricula of Korean Studies in Europe“
Tomáš Horák: 21th international conference IAKLE, Kyunghee University, August 2011, paper title: 체코내 한국학 연구와 한국어 교육의 연계
Tomáš Horák: workshop of translators of Korean literature, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, October 2011, paper title: 창작 활동으로서의 번역
Vladimír Glomb: 제5회 세계한국학대회, 중국문화대학(中國文化大學), November 25 - 28, 2010, paper title: The Man Behind: Luo Qinshun and the Four-Seven Debate